Have you ever been given one of those fiendish little puzzles,usually found in Christmas crackers, you now the sort of thing , eleven square pieces of a picture and a space. The idea is that you move the pieces around until the picture is formed, well I have spent a couple of hours playing the game , but with the living room furniture. We have been given a beautiful, but very large leather armchair. It is perfect for Pa as our own chairs are rather to low for his comfort. It was obvious from the first that at least one of our chairs would have to go,but after two hours of musical chairs both I and the cat had had more than enough and I took an executive decision and got rid of both of our armchairs.
After moving every remaining piece of furniture at least three times I eventually sorted things out and achieved ,what I hope is a pleasing result. The room looks very cosy and I hope that the new addition will make things easier for Pa.
It has been quite a nice day, for a Monday. Breakfast went well, lots of bacon sandwiches with brown sauce....yum! Then I nipped out quickly to but some balloons in order to make a crown, yes a crown. Making Christmas costumes for the kids does not end when they leave school I find.
I loved being out in the frost, it reminds me of my home in the north of England..eh up and ecky thump! Cottage pie for dinner so I took the opportunity of peeling lots of extra potatoes in order to make a large batch of potato cakes tomorrow. Then I did the ironing, that scourge of all women kind, that devils own torment, that perpetual menace......as you can see I HATE IROING!
My son starts a new week of night shifts tonight so we shall be creeping around like mice for the next week only to have some one hammer on the door the moment we turn our backs, such is life.
I begin to wonder if Pa will have the chance to use his new chair, the moment I placed it in it,s final position the cat curled up on it and has not moved a whisker since, except to cast a dangerous look in my direction when she thought I was going to move her.....an unwise act which a shall avoid if possible. Twiggy in a bad mood is a formidable beast indeed!
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