My Uncle Jack, of whom I am very fond used to tease me when I was younger, the moment the weather turned cold he would say “Winter drawers on?” A question and not a comment on the weather, I used to blush like anything. When I grew up I got my revenge, one Christmas I bought him a pair of thermal combinations. Before I wrapped them I dyed them bright red, How we all laughed on Christmas morning . “Winter drawers on Uncle Jack?” He is in hospital at the moment after a severe stroke, we were in despair a few weeks ago be he seems to be on the mend. We knew the minute he ask one of the nurses the question he always asked me , the nurses love him, it is impossible not to.
The morning went well, Pa got up without too much of a hoorah, we had a lovely breakfast of poached eggs on toast and then went our separate ways for a couple of hours. My son went into Twickenham, I shot off to Tesco for some sarsaparilla and some rolls of gift wrap. Pa,forbidden to set foot out side until one of us returned spent some time dusting bless him, he made a good job of it to. It is hard to believe he was so muddled and helpless yesterday. I got home in record time and then while Pa fed his birds I prepared tonight's feast. Roast pork with crispy crackling, roast garlic purree,roast potato wedges and sweet roasted parsnip, pumpkin and sweet potato. We pile the cooked food and vegetables on to a giant platter and serve the meat and a slice of new bread on which the garlic purree is spread, rather like trenchers at a medieval banquette, I love roasted parsnip. We were all stuffed after that so we had a little cold melon for dessert.
The cat Twiggy had been picketting the kitchen all through the afternoon was, of course given her share of warm meat,we are not allowed to forget what is her due. Once I cooked a chicken and forgot to give her any, she gave me the air for a full week!
We all agree that today has been lovely, and we also agree that we are all having a lie in tomorrow. We have been getting up early as the plumber was expected at ten yesterday …..and today........if he arrives tomorrow morning he can jolly well wait for me for a change!
Bursting with pride in my clever son the picture on today's blog is of the kitchen trolley he made for me yesterday, he,s wonderful. I have not yet told him that a new loo seat needs fitting, on the other hand If I leave telling him much longer he will probably discover the fact for himself as he lands with a bump on the floor.....problems problems.
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