Tuesday 17 December 2013


Pa is still in hospital and is getting very restive, as are we all considering that in exactly one week it will be Christmas Eve. This morning Pa rang us with the glad tidings that his scan showed no sign of a blood clot in the leg and that he could come home at once. Less than an hour later he called again to say the they were concerned about his sodium levels and the he would have to stay in hospital.....until they stabilized......!!!!!

Now the plain fact is that Pa's sodium levels have e been fluctuating for years and he frequently see,s an Endocrinologist about this very matter. Further more he has regular blood tests to ensure that it does not drop too low. The upshot of this is that if his sodium levels have not stabilised in the past two years it is unlikely that they will do so before Christmas.

Many phone calls later his endocrinologist spoke to the registrar whose edict had kept Pa from coming home and although he agreed that the condition was a long standing one caused by medication ,he would not interfere with the registrar's orders.

Pa was dreadfully disappointed and I could here the tears in his voice, my son,when I broke the news to him was equally upset and as for me,I could not bear the thought of Pa so miserable and I am afraid there were more tears. This despair soon changed to a general feeling of militancy and we began to hatch an escape plan. With luck Pa will be back in the bosom of his family tomorrow ensconced in his massive leather chair with his long suffering cat in his lap.

Keep your fingers,toes and anything else you have handy crossed for our effort, tomorrow I shall let you know if we were successful.

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