The grocery delivery arrived this morning in a down pour, the rain came down so fast that it looked like chain mail and every thing got soaking wet. Only time will tell if the icing sugar will turn into something resembling a house brick, like wise the caster sugar, the granulated sugar and the flour, all ten bags of it. Feeling that I should begin to use it up I made a batch of cheese scones, a dozen fruit scones and a dozen sausage rolls, to be had for tea with some cheeses and fresh bread and salad..The bag of “Tender Leaf” salad along with a large slice of Brie arrived squashed flat,this was no surprise as it was delivered buried under eight cartons of milk. The logic of the Ocado packing department is a mystery to me, I have no doubt that they gained their degree,s at some of the less prestigious universities.
The remainder of the cleaning went reasonably well apart from the huge spanner thrown in to the works by Pa who as usual spent the day making things as difficult as possible for the rest of us.
Goodness me I do sound waspish today, put it down to hypertension and forgive me if you can.
We were too tired to watch our show last night and so we plan to try again this evening. I could not sleep at all last night although I was very tired, the pain in my knee and shoulders kept me awake.
My son however slept like the dead and I am glad that he did as he also has been sleeping badly and as he returns to work in a couple of days he needs as much rest as he can get.
During a brief lull in the torrential rain I took the buggy out for a spin in order to get a little fresh air, I hate to be trapped indoors and the weather has to be truly dreadful to stop me from taking the air each day. I left as the rain stopped and was out for less than twenty minutes, the sky was black and heavy with more rain which began to fall in sheets as I entered the house. The cat was less fortunate, she got caught in the shower and by the time she had run to the house from the bottom of the orchard she was soaked to the skin. She looked diabolical as she fled upstairs to the bedroom and hung herself out to dry on the radiator, poor puss!
After the past few dark, dismal ,dreary, wet and windy days I feel bound to say that I prefer the snow and ice, at least snow is picturesque, there is absolutely nothing attractive about the four inches of mud in the lane just now and the great puddles are a menace to us buggy riders, and short dogs also, in fact anything that is low slung.
I have just been given a lovely cup of coffee by my wonderful son, his coffee is never the same twice but when it is good it is very good indeed. When it is bad it melts the spoon, the trick is to have a small sip and if it is awful tip it away quietly so as not to cause offence. My tea making can be a bit erratic so I really have not room to speak ill of my sons prowess!
The house looks very cosy tonight, all the small lamps are lit and the soft warm light is very pleasant, there is a lot to be said for a warm fire and a snug bed on such a night as this, I am certainly grateful for mine. Night night.
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