Not actually because I love the festive season, what I really mean is that today we took down all the decorations. Since every room excepting the bathroom is festooned it took ages as always. My son woke early again and by five this morning he had taken down his tree and removed balloons and such like embellishments. It took me a little longer to get started but by nine the bedroom was cleared of fairy lights cards and holly.
The real work was downstairs, and as soon as breakfast was over and cleared we set to work denuding our tree. I always feel sad while doing this job, but this year for the first time in years my son was at home to help me , so with jokes and lots of coffee we soon had the tree and its ornaments packed away.
Of course there is as you will know a good deal more that taking down the decorations to do. Places that have not seen a duster for weeks are revealed in all their dusty glory and the immediate application of spray polish is necessary to prevent it from flying off in all directions. My son and I tackled the dusting and the hoovering between us and by five this evening we had finished the upstairs. And were about half was through the downstairs work.
“Enough.” I cried and we packed up the cleaning gear and ordered a Chinese take away as there had been no time to prepare food.
Lord how we stuffed, we had only eaten a light breakfast and we were all famished, we really enjoyed the meal.
Poor puss spent the day wandering around like a displaced person, all her usual indoor haunts were in a state of upheaval for most of the day. Add to that the fact that she adores the Christmas tree and spends hours roosting under its branches and it is easy to see that she would be a very unhappy little cat. Of course it would rain all day just to make matters worse , she hates to get wet. It took a large portion of cold roast pork and one of those wildly expensive little pots of cat food to restore her to her normal charming self.
Incidentally have you seen those little pots of cat food, turn them out on to a pretty plate, add a few salad leaves and a couple of cherry tomatoes and you would be able to pass it off as a fine dinning experience! Years ago our moggies ate “Kitty Kat” and liked it, now they eat better than most people .
Tonight we are all piling in to my room to watch a “Top Gear” DVD, and munch a few of the left over Christmas chocolates, I expect I shall fall asleep well before the end, I often do.
At least the work is done and the house looks tidy and comfortable. On Saturday I shall buy a big bunch of flowers for the living room, it looks quite bare now the tree is gone and it will give the cat something to sit under!
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