I know I said that I would do as little as possible in the kitchen today but with a gleaming new oven just sitting their I thought I had better try out a few things today rather than later under combat conditions as it were. The bread that I made yesterday came out very well, I had made a 2lb tin loaf two bloomers and a crown. They came out perfectly to my relief as I was unhappy with my first attempt. Next I decided to make a huge batch of Ramshaw cookies and tried the tins in various parts of the oven, all came out beautifully with none over cooked which was a problem with my old oven a at times. An oven that will bake evenly is a godsend but it must be said that many manufacturers who make the claim do not always deliver the goods.
My baking was halted by the arrival of the fresh fruit and vegetables, as you know I am unable to go to the shops today as the buggy has broken down. The good news is that e are covered by our insurance for the repairs and the hire of a buggy if ours has to go in for repair,I had forgotten about the policy so it came as a pleasant surprise.
My son is insisting that he is well enough to return to work next week, I am not so sure. He is as pale as a ghost, is still having tummy trouble and is, not to put to fine a point upon it worn out through being so ill. Every night he falls asleep at about nine and sleeps like the dead so how the devil he expects to stay up all night next week I do not know. One thing is certain.” He ain't gonna listen to his Ma."
He has gone out to game with a few friends today and I hope that he does not over do it, pushing my buggy a few yards yesterday exhausted he completely. Why are men so damned stubborn?
The cat Twiggy is once again asleep on my desk, this has become her roosting place of choice these past weeks and I must say that she makes a very pretty ornament indeed. She is being a cosy kitty cat today I am relieved to report. In a fit of tigerishness last night she left her mark on me in several places, I never learn! I am cooking a Mexican dish for dinner, nothing spectacular ,just some marinated chicken with wraps, salad and sauces. Not very Mexican is the tabbouleh I am serving with the meal, it is a favourite with Pa and as his appetite has been poor of late I am serving all his favourite things. He is not as keen of the wraps as my son and I so this dish is especially for him, I dare say my son will have some too. There is gammon on the menu for tomorrow, either steaks of a joint, I have not decided yet.
Marinated gammon steaks with butter sauté potatoes and salad
3 Gammon steaks 1 per person
3 tablespoons of tomato purree
3 tablespoons of olive oil
2 cloves of garlic crushed
2 dessert spoons of cider vinegar
A teaspoon of made mustard
A good grating of nutmeg
2 table spoons of honey
Mix the ingredients in a bowl, lay the gammon steaks in a shallow sided tray and spoon on the marinade. Leave for and hour then turn and leave for half and hour.
At this point you can either grill the gammon, basting occasionally with the left over marinade or as I do cover them with foil and cook in hot oven for thirty minutes and then grill for about four minutes on each side, a little charring of the fat is rather nice.
For the sauté potatoes
Peel enough potatoes for three and cut in to even sized pieces Cook in boiling water for about two minutes then drain thoroughly. Melt about three ounces of clarified butter in a large frying pan and add the potatoes. Keep on shaking them around until they are golden brown all over then drain on a little kitchen paper.
Serve the gammon with some of the hot marinade from the cooking tray with a portion of the potatoes and some crisp green salad. Salad sprouts are also good with this dish. Peas too are a good accompaniment.
Of course there is absolutely nothing wrong with good old gammon with eggs and chips, my personal favourite in fact.
I found a really good recipe for Huevos Rancheros on line today. They were mentioned in a “Charlie Brown “film and Until today I had no idea what they were. The website showed a man actually cooking the dish and while I do not think that I could eat it for breakfast I am definitely going to try it out for a lunch or supper dish. Call me a wimp if you like but I may leave out the chillies, I can not abide the blessed things, a great failing indeed on my part I am sure.
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