Monday, 24 January 2011


It has taken me a week to become acquainted with my new oven, at least as far as the baking of bread is concerned. The new oven is wider than the old one but not as high and this has had an effect upon the type of loaves that I can bake as I usually make three of four a t a time. Also the temperature differences have caused a little trouble but today all went well and I produced two baguettes, a two pound tin loaf two cottage loaves and a bloomer. I shall need to buy a couple of loaf tins as the one I have is not really up to the job and the bread made in it has a habit of sticking. The over all result however was very good and I feel confident again.

It always takes a while to get used to a new oven , no two are the same and so everything I bake for the first time will be a trial . Things get easier with each use and I am looking forward to trying out a cake of two later in the week.
There has been no word from the buggy repair man and I shall call him first thing in the morning to see when he will come. I hate being house bound again and we are in need of some fresh produce so I hope he comes soon.

My little cat has been in the garden all day again. She investigated the fox earth at the bottom of the orchard with arched back and much hissing and spitting, she is a territorial little madam to be sure.
She sat for a while inside the poly tunnel, it is a favourite warm spot and a great nuisance when there are young tender plants inside. She prowled around the potting shed in search of mice, found non and then turned her attention to the front garden where she sat on the sundial watching the passers by and revelling in their admiration, vain creature.

What a dark sort of a day it has been, it even looked cold, I spent as much time outside as I could , I am the type of person who is miserable stuck indoors, even in winter. I took some photographs of the river and the gulls and chatted to friends who happened by, all in all I spent a happy hour of so watching the boats, the birds and the world go by.

Back home I made coffee,feed the caterwauling Twiggy and prepared my sons sandwiches for work. Tonight he has a baguette filled with roast ham and mozzarella cheese and a big red apple. Then I assembled a lasagne for dinner, I had cooked the meat sauce earlier and the milk had spent the day infusing with some garlic, peppercorns and a bay leaf. It is such a simple dish and the boys ask for it often. Served with a salad it makes a good weekday meal.
I prefer a good old cottage pie but I am usually overruled by the dinner menu committee.

My son is going back to work tonight for the first time since his bout of flue. I am not sanguine about his disission but he is a grown man and makes his own choices. His still looks pale and he is still very tired. He says that he is fine but as you know it is different just sitting reading to working under pressure. I shall keep my fingers crossed and hope that all goes well.

Pa has been a little off colour today but has tried hard to keep going for my sake bless him, I too am tired and shall be glad to sink in to a soft bed after a nice hot bath, maybe a hot water bottle too....yes I think so.

The light is fading fast as I write and soon I shall serve our meal, lights from passing cars rake across the ceiling of my room , throwing shadows in to the corners. I shall not switch on the light, I love the softness and the mystery of half light at evening. Time enough to light the lamps when the last of the daylight has gone and it is truly dark once more.

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