`What a day, some times nothing happens for ages and then every thing happens at once, today was definitely one of the later sort.
Things started rather well, or so we thought, my son and I were both awake early and spent some time chatting over several cups of coffee. We had decided that since nothing particular was happening today that we would let Pa sleep late, mistake number one. I had decided to make waffles for breakfast as we had plenty of time, my son was not going out until half twelve, and I am not yet used to using the waffle iron, mistake number two. I had heated the iron and made a huge bowl of waffle mixture when Pa appeared and announced that,he had a hospital appointment not only that but the said appointment was at ten forty five. It was now ten thirty.
I should like to say that words failed me,. I should like to but I can not. Pa insisted that he had told us about the appointment,he had not. He insisted that it was on the calender, not to my knowledge.
Of course I asked him if he had known all about it why he had said nothing when my son gave him tea at nine......... no answer. He left the house over half an hour late leaving my son and I to breakfast alone.
Now my son is usually a sensible sort of person but this morning he broke a cardinal rule and jinxed the whole day. He remarked that at least we were not expecting any one today and breakfast would be peaceful and pleasant. No sooner had he spoken and the first lovely golden waffle had just left the pan when there was a knock at the door, I opened it and behold, a visitor. Oh well I thought, at least we shall not have to waste the waffle mixture, I then spent the next hour making waffle after waffle. I did not mind too much as our guest is popular with all of us and is a regular breakfast guest. This morning however it delayed the clearing of the kitchen, important today as I had promised the boys a duck dinner with all the trimmings. In the end he left just as my son was about to leave and as Pa returned home.........with our neighbour who came in for tea and cookies.,
I am always glad to see either of the boys next door but by now serious inroads had been made in to my morning, to be precise it was by now afternoon!
Apart from cooking the special meal I needed to go to the shops, something I would have done earlier if Pa had not disappeared with the buggy....panic was beginning to set in.
While Pa chatted with our guest I made pots of tea and made stuffing for the duck, peeled and parboiled the potatoes for roasting ,set the giblets to simmer with a carrot,a parsnip and an onion,for the gravy, and sorted out the vegetables, phew. Then of course there was the washing up from breakfast, oh boy!
By the time I had sorted that lot out and our guest departed it was two thirty and I was in a flat spin.
I got change faster than I have since I was last in Panto, many years ago, grabbed the buggy keys and headed for the door, I now discovered that I was raining quite hard so I was obliged to get changed in to rain wear and and try again. I got very wet, and the fact that this would not have happened if I could have left sooner was rife in my mind as I squelched around the supermarket dripping everywhere.
Of course this all meant that the duck was late going in to the oven and of course dinner was late in consequence. Pa was late feeding the birds and the only person who escaped the mayhem was my son, the cause of all the trouble, who was out gaming with friends....typical!
As we sat down to dinner I half expected a coach party to arrive for supper,so I basely closed the living room curtains and turned off the lights, just in case. The meal was lovely and passed without incident, that is until I went upstairs and discovered that the poor cat had been accidentally locked in the bathroom (she will hide under the chair) and had left tangible proof of her distress on the bathroom floor. As I said at the start of this epistle, what a day!
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