To day has gone better than I could have imagined in my wildest dreams. My son and I got to the doctor,s surgery in good time and were not kept waiting at all. I left the surgery as my son went in for his appointment and sped off to the shops for a few necessities As I left the shop my son arrived and we made our way home. We had left Pa asleep and I was worried that the new cooker would be delivered while we were out. I called Pa on my mobile and behold not only was he awake and dressed but the new cooker had been installed, I was speechless.
The best news of all is that my son ,s blood pressure was normal and it seems that he has lost over eight kg in the past month. I suspect that his late bout of tummy trouble has had a lot to do with it but all the same how many of us can claim to have lost weight over Christmas.
We had a celebratory breakfast, and I had a look at the new cooker, still reeling at the speed with which the job was done. Perhaps I should have lost my temper earlier!
Pa Tired out by his efforts during the morning had a good rest in the afternoon while I tried out my oven by baking two large sticky malt loaves. These will be good for the invalids as their appetites return, spread with a little butter they will make a nice snack at any time during the next few days and provide me with something to serve to any visitors.
The cat Twiggy has revelled in today's sunshine and has hardly been seen indoors at all. She has stalked about the gardens revisiting her neglected haunts and has climbed the apple tree, the damson tree and an Ash tree by the garden shed. As the dusk descended she arrived home hungry and tired, ate a huge plate of food and then flopped down in an armchair to dream of her adventures.
Every thing seems to be on the move, I saw several mice hopping about in the dead grass in the lane, foraging I suppose and the squirrels, sleek and glossy raided the peanuts feeders with even more vigour than usual.
I for one intend to have an early night and I know that my son intends to do the same , the mile and a half walk to the doctor,s surgery is the first exercise he has had in days and he is very weary now.
Pa God bless him will be given a bedtime drink of coffee and brandy and a big hug, what a trooper he has been today.
Every thing in the garden may not be perfect but nothing is going to spoil today, I am so glad my son,s results were good, I cannot tell you how worried I have been. Now he can think about taking his pilots licence ,delayed until now by his hypertension. He is so happy and he deserves to be. Of course being his mother I would say that but truly he is a rare individual he always puts others before himself, a rare quality in these selfish and self-seeking times.
I have so many good thing to think about that I shall not care if I do not sleep tonight and I am sure my little cat will not object either as it means she will be stroked for hours and hours. Night Night.
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