All was peaceful at the cottage this morning, my son woke first and made coffee for the two of us and then he did some writing while I slept again for an hour or so. We had decided not to bother Pa too early this morning as we felt the need of a more relaxing day than usual.
Imagine our astonishment when Pa appeared at the top of the stairs asking “What does a person have to do to get a cup of coffee around here.”
Needless to say the coffee was instantly forthcoming, it was a wonderful start to our planned lazy day.
Breakfast was a lazy meal of oatcakes spread with hot cheese, tea and orange juice. The conversation was merry, it was a lovely meal and afterwards my son helped me with the washing up.
I needed to pop into the village so I made that my first little task but half way there I discovered that I had a very, very flat tyre. The buggy was handling badly and I got home as fast as a person on three wheels can.. Pa said that he would run her down to our local garage and put in some air, perhaps it was not a puncture after all. I had cleaned the buggy and I must say that she looked splendid in spite of all the mud and gunge I had scraped off her. Our luck seems to be in as the tyre does not seem to be going down again,it is wonderful when things go well, and rather rare.
Twiggy the cat has spent the day disporting herself in the garden, she spent a long time sitting on the high orchard wall staring out across the old graveyard. I have no idea what it was that she found so absorbing, whatever it was it kept her out of trouble for a while.
During the bad weather we kept her litter tray in the house during the day as she would have needed a pneumatic drill to excavate a hole in the garden. Unfortunately since the thaw she has taken to digging up the large half barrel beautifully planted by my neighbours with pansies and polyanthus. Her attentions combined with those of the local squirrels who have made off with all his tulip bulbs , also planted in the tubs have wrought havoc with the fine display.
Miss Twiggy is deaf to all my reproaches and must therefore take the chance of a deluge of cold water, the usual fate of those caught digging up the flower pots! At the moment she is sitting on my desk, the picture of innocence, I know better!
Today has been much more relaxed and I hope we can have a few more of these special days. It is hard to make time for lazy mornings when there is an invalid in the house who needs constant care, and it takes time to adjust to changing circumstances but I hope that we are at last making a little headway against the encroaching tide of Pa,s failing health. He deserves the best from us and we are going to make sure that we are up to the task.
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