You may remember some of my past skirmishes with the witless wonder who passes for our maintenance manager. I may also have mentioned the fact that my oven broke down yesterday. Well today things came to a head. By eleven thirty this morning we had received no acknowledgement of the numerous emails and messages which we left on the subject and I was not at all surprised. When our electric grill broke down we contacted the maintenance manager on Monday morning and he did not contact us for four days. Now when I tell you that the electricians are usually on site on Mondays and Tuesdays it is reasonable to suppose that he would send them on one of those days instead of which he deliberately waited until they were no longer on site and them told us that we would have to wait until the electricians were back on site , the following Monday. There then followed weeks of waiting for the part to arrive. This morning I had had enough and confronted the mule headed idiot with a few home truths. I pulled no punches. You see I had received a tip off that he intended to do exactly the same as he did last time and I saw a red mist rise before my eyes.
Like the Incredible Hulk I am not very nice when I am angry, I have emptied a room with my temper more than once, people hide in corners it is awful. Thank the Gods it does not happen often because I am not proud of it and it exhausts me when it happens.
The result was that the electricians were in our house within half an hour and a new cooker is to be fitted a.s.a.p. The old one has had so many repairs that it most resembles the Starship Enterprise after a battle with the Klingons. Jury Rigged!
Now I admit that I was already stressed to the limit by a week of nursing a pair of swine flue victims and that may have shortened my fuse just a little , but I have along with every other person who has to deal with this twerp been fighting a running battle with him for several years...enough is enough! He is a thorough going bully and enjoys throwing his considerable weight about, but like all bullies he can dish it out but does not like to take it. This unpleasant individual has reduced more sensitive people to tears with his threats and dirty tricks....not this little black duck!
While I doubt if this mornings explosion has benefited my high blood pressure one little bit I did have the satisfaction of making the toad grovel and he moved faster this morning than I suspect he has done for years.
I am a patient sort of person, it takes a lot to make me blow my top but when I do, oh boy.
I hope to return to my usual more peaceful pursuits and pray that I have no further cause to loose patience with this individual, however experience shows him to be incorrigible, so it is a faint hope.
Better news is that Pa seems a little better today and my son also seems stronger although he has a way to go before he is his normal self again.
Before the plague struck I had taken some photographs with my new camera, today I down loaded them. The picture on today,s blog was taken a few yards away from where I live. I doubt if any sculptor could do better than nature has in this display of dead ivy branches, I hope you like it.
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