I am not sure if I told you about my Christmas gift from Pa, it was a lovely fake fur jacket. The fur is quite curly and is a mix of grey and beige in colour. I love it because it is so warm and better yet very light weight so that I can move easily while wearing it.
Today for the first time the cat Twiggy saw me wearing it and I was totally unprepared for her reaction to my hirsute appearance. The moment I walked in to the living room on my way out she jumped on to a chair, arched her back and did a wonderful impression of a Christmas tree with her tail. She fizzed and hissed like a firework and then with an anguished howl leapt through the door in to the kitchen where she covered under the table until I left, speechless with laughter.
When I returned I took off the coat at once before she had a chance to repeat her performance. I am uncertain as to weather the cat objects to the coat itself or to me wearing it, either way her reaction was distinctly unflattering......every ones a critic!
Many years ago we had a beautiful Persian cat named Snuffy. On a trip to town one day I purchased a large goat skin rug to put before the log fire, I had thought that the cat would enjoy sitting on it during the winter months, it was almost the same colour as the cat. He took one look at the rug and proceeded to attack the wretched thing with a will, he kept it up for about ten minutes until I took the rug away. I was sure that he would get used to it so every day I tried putting it on the floor and every day the cat would pounce on it biting and tearing at the fur. After a month or so I was obliged to get rid of my lovely rug, not only because the cat hated it but because it was , by that time practically bald. I bought a Flokati rug the next week and all was well.
I just hope Twiggy does not decide to denude my jacket in the same way, It will be firmly locked up in the wardrobe from now on!
The odd thing is she seems to like Pa,s fur throw and spends a good deal of time roosting on it, or even under it....strange little creature.
I made some more bread this morning, a day later than usual as we did not run out so quickly this time, this means that I shall not have to bake tomorrow which should give me the opportunity to have a lazy morning, I hope!
My son finishes his week tonight and has next week off so we are planning to have a rerun of Christmas, at least until the tree comes down of Thursday.
Steak burgers were requested for dinner tonight so I made half a dozen, these will be served on bread buns with fried onions and salad, very quick and not much washing up,
Neither Pa or I had much sleep last night, I think I was disturbed by the large slice of fruit cake I ate for supper with a glass of milk, I must have been potty to try getting away with such a foolhardy indulgence, one thing is certain, it is a mistake I shall not repeat in a hurry.
Now where,s that cat?
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