Saturday, 1 January 2011


I began the first day of the new Year by indulging myself with a very long lie in. A bank holiday means no post, so no having to canter down the stairs to collect the endless stream of parcels that arrive for my son (books in the main) and always at the crack of dawn. No need to wake Pa early for clinic of hospital appointments, wonderful.
In spite of my dislike of New Years eve we did stay up and have a few drinks and we let off some very large rockets in the front garden even managing to time one to go off on the last chime of midnight, pure chance I might add.

I am going to be lazy today and keep the work down to a minimum,you see I have an odd superstition that what you do on New Years day sets the trend for the whole year. For instance I always cook a special meal for New Years night A large raised venison pasty cooked in a way that would be recognised by any Tudor type who happened to be passing. This year I have been rather crafty in that I cooked off the venison in wine and juniper berries yesterday and prepared the pastry also, which means that all I have to do is put it all together and bake it for forty five minutes,good eh? This piece of sympathetic magic should mean that we will eat well throughout the year, without my having to work like a Victorian kitchen maid!

Like wise I only do things I enjoy, no washing ,no dusting and positively NO IRONING!
This of course is where the magic fails because I know jolly well that there is a laundry basket full of washing, ergo there will be ironing to follow. It is however a good excuse to have a day off.

The lane out side our cottage is very quiet today, not a single car passed by until almost noon and after that not many. One or two people wandered by with a dog or a child , the atmosphere was lazy and relaxed, very rare these days.
My son went to bed at about eight this morning as he is working tonight,so Pa and I had a brunch of eggs and bacon with tomato, lovely.

I must say I do prefer the bright cold frosty weather we had before Christmas to all this gloom, by now the romance of misty weather has worn rather thin and I begin to feel when I go outside that I have walked into a badly lit marque. The warmth is nice though and believe it or not I have seen the small green spikes of snowdrop and crocus pushing through the earth,”Where winter is can spring be far behind.”
I realise that for some reason I have been a little depressed during the last couple of days, post Christmas blues I expect, still I bounced back today and I intend to keep on bouncing,life is too good to spend mooching about with a miserable face, and a mind full of worries. This is as close as I get to making a New Years Resolution and I hope with luck to keep my resolve.

The past is gone all is new and there is everything to hope for, I hope we all, every one of us have cause to say at the end of 2011, that it `was a good year.

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