Things have not exactly been going according to the manual around here of late. One problem I have is that I can not keep track of what day it is. Having my son at home last week has caused much of the confusion , as normally my days are so bound up in his comings s and goings that I tend to use them to mark the passing of time. I do not know half the time what day of the week it is, this morning I was shocked top discover the fact that we are more than half way through January. On the other hand it seems ages since New Years Eve.
This is causing pron=blems as I almost forgot to put in the grocery order thinking I had plenty of time. My vagueness is beginning to cause comment and I am sure that there are some,who think that I am loosing my marbles,, this is of course entirely possible.
I knew that the meat delivery was arriving today and yet I completely forgot all about it this morning.
As you know we have all been unwell of late and a combination of that and the demise of my oven have interrupted the normal bread making routine and this could have been a disaster as tonight,s meal was to be steak sandwiches and salad .
For some reason several light bulbs and a florescent strip gave up the ghost yesterday and I hurried off this afternoon to buy replacements. On my return, convinced it was Thursday I flew about cleaning the bedroom and bathroom cursing the fact that it was late in he day and I still had a meal to prepare. The fact that it was Thursday was only pointed out to me after I had finished these tasks, I was not amused.
Since our recent bout of flue none of us are eating properly yet. It is very odd because we all feel hungry, we just do not seem to want the food when it is time to eat. It is a pity because the meat that arrived today is some of the best I have seen for years. Beautiful thick gammon steaks, plump free range chickens, pork joints, bacon rashers and lean steak mince. I also ordered some more diced mixed game as it is so versatile and is equally good in pies stews ans casserole's. I treated us to a lovely gammon joint, it is lovely cooked in a cider and mustard sauce with vegetables and served hot with crusty dumplings and the left overs can be fried for breakfast and served with eggs or sandwiched with salad.
At one point this afternoon I was taking bread out of the oven while dressing to go out at the same time as I was making a shopping list, to add to the confusion I was on the receiving end of a lecture on fluorescent tubes the gist of which I have completely forgotten. It is small wonder that my brain feels scrambled this evening.
I hope this bizarre feeling of disorientation has gone by tomorrow , trying to operate with a dislocated brain is both difficult and potentially dangerous. I have today left a kettle boiling turning the kitchen into a sauna, I almost let a deadly secret cat out of the bag in conversation, and heaven help me came within seconds of basting the steaks with marmalade in stead of mustard.....this really can not go on.
I must pull myself together before something awful happens, today I actually tried to brush my teeth using a tube of rheumatism cream. What next I wonder, trying to clean the furniture with hair spray! It does not bare thinking about!
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