Guess who ended up in Tesco on a Saturday again? Very foolishly I forgot a couple of essential items yesterday so much to my chagrin I had to make another sortie. Never in the whole of my life have I encountered so many people with a death wish, if they behaved in theit cars as they do with their trolleys the accident and emergency units nation wide would be swamped by coach loads of injured shoppers. What I find so exasperating is the fact that these idiots look me straight in the eye and then proceed to walk straight in to me as if they expected to be able to pass right through!
Now I have to tell you that my corporeal frame is not inconsiderable these days.....middle age spread..... so that I am easy to see. Add to this the fact that I am sitting on a large blue buggy and you will understand why I am puzzled . I have come to the conclusion that this phenomenon is caused by a great want of manners in the individuals who engage in this dangerous occupation. Convinced of their superiority they calmly expect people to either get out of their way as they make their royal progress around the store. Well today I decided to show at least one of these clue less types the error of their assumptions!
One particular individual stood out even among the throng of thoughtless so and so,s. This fellow had caused me to apply my brakes on four separate occasions by assuming he had a divine right of way and that all others must either stop of get out of his way. After the fourth encounter I carried on with my shopping muttering darkly about what I would do to the next rude toad who crossed my path. \I do not suppose that I should have done anything except that the next person was the same person who had already caused my shopping to avalanche off the front of my buggy several time, that,s right, it was HIM again!
He came bowling up the aisle looked me in the eye and kept on coming.....this time so did I! I was going at a crawl so he had plenty of time to stop, but he did not and I ran in to him. Judging by the anguished bellow it must have hurt quite a bit. “You ran in to me1” he yelped in disbelief,
“Not so.” I replied “You walked in to me.” The couple walking behind me agreed and the fellow limped off in a huff.
I am normally am easy going sort of person but when I had deliberately been run into several times and been forced to wait for ages while a stream of battle axes with trolleys full of shopping and no manners push my fro in front and behind something snapped. It gave me a degree of satisfaction at the time but now I realise that I have sunk to their level....I should be ashamed of myself, and I am. Still the look on his face when he realised that he was not God will stay with me for some time.
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