I find myself almost overwhelmed with relief today,and absolutely nothing can dim the joy . You will understand when I tell you that A barrage of test which Pa underwent last week have tested negative for several types of cancer. He has lost so much weight in the past couple of months that I was beginning to fear the worst. All through the Christmas holiday we had this praying on our minds but non of us realised quite have worried we were because of course each of us kept his fears firmly locked in. there were tears when the good news came through. Pa,s G.P kindly telephoned to give us the results and I have been walking on air ever since. God only knows how Pa must have felt, and now we can all breath again. The doctor believes that one of his medications is causing the trouble so hopefully it will be sorted out before the poor old boy goes down the plug hole!?
The buggy repair man arrived this morning and guess what? The buggy went like a bird. He took her for a long drive over the bumpiest pavements he could find, not difficult as bumpy pavements are plentiful in this neck of the woods. He returned very apologetic having found nothing wrong with her, she had not stopped once. There was nothing more he could do.
Encouraged by his findings I went to the garden centre to buy food for the birds, and beasts , our poor squirrels have not seen a peanut since last Friday ! I returned home laden with goodies and without incident.
Confident once more I set off to the supermarket to buy fresh fruit and a few other necessaries, half way around Morrisson,s the old girl conked out.
There I was, stuck in the dairy isle, loaded up with sweet potatoes, bananas,mushrooms and two bunches of flowers I felt a proper Charlie and probably looked like one too. Fortunately no one seemed to notice my predicament as I sat planning how to get home. After about ten minutes or so I gave her one more kick and off she went as if nothing was wrong. I payed for my goods and drove home at top speed(eight miles and hour) and arrived safe and sound without further ado.
I had to work quickly to catch up the lost time but all went well and a dinner of toad in the hole with savoury beans was only about twenty minutes late.
As I said before nothing can dampen my spirits today,Pa is safe and my son is happier than I have seen him in ages, having time to think must have done him good, he seems to be happy making plans for the future and I am glad of that. As for me my little world is peaceful.......for the moment and all I ask more than that is a good nights sleep. Night night and blessing lite upon you.
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