For some reason we have all been smitten with a fit of the giggles today. I awoke this morning to the sound of my son laughing his head off, he had apparently been watching “Who, Line Is It Anyway” on U tube, that would be enough to make a cat laugh. The laughter was infectious and the pair of us wise cracked and giggled all the while I was preparing a breakfast of bacon sandwiches, I just kept on slapping rashers on the griddle until we had all eaten enough, we were hungry so it took ages. Pa laughed all the way through the meal,all in all we were a merry party this morning.
My son and I have been performing as a comedy duo for years, we do funny voices, foreign accents and my speciality is comic songs, which I write from time to time, it passes the time when we are washing up or doing odd jobs together.. On occasion we have slipped into our characters without realising and have caused a few raised eyebrows when it happens in public places.
The cat regained her equilibrium and appears to have forgiven me for yesterdays incident with the fur coat although she has not yet come to terms with the garment itself. Every time she sees it she has a hissy fit, still it may stop her from roosting in my wardrobe, a favourite hiding place of hers as a rule. This morning she staked her claim on my bedroom window and did not budge for hours, I noticed later that she had a sulky air today, and a twitchy tail. I wondered if it had anything to do with the army of Ladybirds which are rampaging around the bedrooms today. They always come in to hibernate during the winter months and to be honest they are a pest, because they do not stay asleep. Every so often they wake up and stamp about for a few days, last night I evicted five from the bed and this morning there were several in my knickers drawer. Again. Now that could have been very nasty had I not noticed, don,t you think..
The window is covered with them and from time to time one of them takes off and flies about
or drops on to the cat, she has to keep twitching her ears and her tail lashes with annoyance..
It really is very funny to watch but I do sympathise, one of the little blighter's landed in my cup of tea this morning.
It has been a good day for all of us, if only my sides bid not ache so much with all the laughing.
The cat has now found a toy rat and is tossing it about the floor, she hid it once in one of my boots and I almost passed out when I put my foot in the blessed thing.
We are all having an early night tonight so as to be fresh and full of energy for tomorrow, I made a roasted vegetable and tomato soup for diner which we ate with crusty wholemeal bread, very healthy. We followed that with mince pies, brandy butter and fresh cream....not so healthy, who cares! At my age I deserve middle age spread, I have earned it along with grey streaks in my hair. There is a time to be slim and sexy and a time to be plump and comfortable, women who try to fight age just end up looking ridiculous, if ever I need to see out of the sides of my head I shall get a face lift.
Cats do not seem to age at all, I wonder why? My little minx is around seven or eight years old and looks no different than she did the the day she arrived.
I am beginning to ramble, I had better take a bath and curl up with the cat, a cup af tea and a box of naughty chocolates, hey ho, a short life and a merry one!
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