Saturday, 8 January 2011


I am one of those people who need a little time to wake up in the morning, bouncing me out of bed and expecting me to get going is not a good idea.......if you wish to continue living!
This morning we all overslept, well I say all, Pa always oversleeps so what I mean is that my son and I overslept...catastrophically.
On Saturday my son goes out with his friends and they all meet at our house before they head off, because of this we need to have got Pa up and all had breakfast fast. This morning we were still asleep at twenty to ten. My son appeared at my bedroom door aghast, this just does not happen, I got out of bed in a hurry and the pair of us ran about like scalded cats getting in each others way. |Suddenly we looked at one another and said “Pa..” we went to start the waking process and behold, the age of miracles is not past, Pa was not only awake, he was up and dressed .
Pleased and amazed we then ate the fastest ever breakfast of toasted crumpets and croissant and finished just in time for my son to be collected by his friends.
Iwas still fizzing around the house like a mad woman and getting nowhere in a hurry.

This flying start had a very bad effect upon my day. I had not had time to brush my teeth or wash my face, I discovered that I had put my knickers on back to front and was wearing odd socks.
I had mislaid my mobile phone and lost my shopping list.
Pa was inclined to crow over our discomfiture a little and who can blame him. I had a fog in my brain and it took several cups of strong coffee to dispell the mist of confusion.

Still without my shopping list I set off trusting ( foolishly as it turned out) that I should remember the items I needed . I remembered the ground nut oil, Tesco is the only place that sells it in litre bottles and I use quite a lot. Fruit, yes, cheeses, yes, clotted cream, yes, pasta (very important) no, and I was practically home before I remembered that it was what I really went out for....Ocoado forgot to bring any yesterday. “ BUM!!!!!!!!! “I said and “BOTHERATION.”

It was too late to do much about it so I cut my losses and got on with the rest of the day. I have made a special cake for a friends birthday and I iced it this afternoon, then went on to prepare the dinner. Spanish chicken skewers and wraps with salad, roasted peppers spring onions ans dips.

Pa's early promise subsided in the afternoon and he was running true to form by two this afternoon, I was still feeling foggy and when my son arrived home he said he felt as if he had not properly woken up all day.
Dinner was late because I spent all day playing catch up and I failed dismally... we still enjoyed it.
I for one will be exceedingly relieved to return to bed as soon as is possible. We have another deadline tomorrow morning and I hope we do not have a repeat performance of today....time alone will tell.

I also forgot the hairspray so guess who,s having a bad hair day tomorrow.......BUM..........BOTHERATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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