Today has been the sort of day well known to every woman or man for that matter(let us be P.C.) who has ever kept house. My feet have not touched the ground today but they could not feel more tired if I had run a marathon , I am shattered!
At first light I was up making bread seeing my son off to bed and waking up Pa with a cup of coffee. This morning he was up and dressed in record time and we had breakfast while the bread was baking. I tried out the new 2lb loaf tins which arrived yesterday and I am happy to report that they worked very well indeed. I baked two tin loaves and two bloomers which will, with luck last until Monday. We had decided on porridge for breakfast and very nice it was, except for having to wash up the pan afterwards....yuk!
Next it was off to the shops, I was a little nervous about the buggy but she did nit let me down. The super market was heaving with shoppers so it took ages to get around. I wanted some thick woolly tights, I was out of luck. Tesco, like every other shop is no longer selling winter clothes, the only tights they had were silky ones and except for a few odd winter coats on sale the place was full of light summer coats . Am I the only person who thinks it unreasonable that the shops are full of summer clothes already, after all it is still January. I once tried to buy a bikini in August and found nothing but winter woollies, how tiresome and how typical. Right moan over!
Dinner went well tonight. I wrapped a dozen gorgeous meaty chipollata sausages with streaky bacon and roasted them for forty five minutes covered in foil son and I had ours with onion sauce, mashed potato, served in scoops like the school dinners of old, peas and thyme and apple gravy. Pa has his sausages with roasted tomatoes and stuffed mushrooms. There was a sausage left over for Twiggy, she loves them and there would be trouble if we neglected to give her a fair share!
My son is planning a retreat in the near future. Not a religious one but a writers one. He has done a good deal of writing for magazines and has even edited a long running magazine of his own. He is working now on an exciting new project in which a good deal of interest has already been shown by those in the know. The need to write is a family characteristic and believe me he is very good indeed. One of his magazines was so highly regarded that he got exclusive interviews with some of the Gods in the world of R.P.G, some thing of which he was justly proud.
Night has fallen and it is turning even colder, as I said at the beginning it has been a very ordinary sort of day, oh one thing I forgot to tell you,this morning my ancient bed finally collapsed. The miracle is that it did not happen sooner, I survived but the cat was badly shaken by the experience and is refusing to go near it at the moment. I have ordered a new one and it should be hear on Monday, when my son promises that he will assemble it for me. Until then things will be a little precarious as one corner is held together with binder twine. Hey ho, only two more nights to get through, wish me luck!
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