Woe, woe and thrice woe, Pa has now become the third victim of our little plague. Yesterday evening I truly felt that I could do no more, the past week has been a nightmare and as I have been unwell my self, that and a lack of sleep combined with the extra work two invalids make has worn me out. I was just about to collapse in to bed last night when the excrement hit the fan,well not the fan but just about every where else.
There followed a merry few hours of cleaning up and preparing for the siege to come ,plastic covers were applied where appropriate and carpets were shrouded in bin liners and news paper to avoid trouble. By the time Pa had subsided and fallen asleep I was totally exhausted.
What followed was a game of musical lavatory played by my son and I while Pa slept, thank the Gods. We kept meeting on the landing, it would have been funny if we had not been so tired.
In the early hours of the morning, about four , we slept at last, but last it did not.
Pa decided wake my son up by asking rather loudly if he was awake, the purpose behind this action is still unclear and now Pa denies all knowledge of the incident. My son was not amused, and neither was I when I was obliged to begin yet another bout of cleaning up the bathroom and the living room, and more laundry.
Pa slept again and my son and I had a light breakfast and a cup of tea and then both collapsed in to bed in my case praying fervently for a little respite, but with little hope.
By the grace of God I slept for a couple of hours but woe, woe and thrice woe, when I went down stairs to check of the progress of a casserole I discovered that the oven had given up the ghost and the casserole, half cooked sulked in the rapidly cooking oven,
“What great sin have I committed that all this aggravation should be visited up[on me.” I cried, feeling as I imagine Job must have felt. I am certainly getting more than my fair share of trouble just now.
I am trying to remain calm but in the face of continuous disaster I am ,I think becoming a little paranoid. Murphy has been here long enough tomorrow I shall give him his marching orders.
I expect that the bed will collapse as I get in to it tonight, or the loo flush will cease to function, it,s a little like “Sting Ray” anything could happen in the next half hour......... God help me!
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