Do you sometimes feel that events overtake you and that every thing has spiralled out of control, well I am having one of those days. Firstly, the mobile phone I lost during the Christmas holiday has at last turned up, having spent over two weeks stuffed in to a bag of old wrapping paper inside the buggy hutch.. Of course we kept on ringing the number but as the phone was outside we did not hear the blessed thing then the battery went flat.
In the week before Christmas the refuse collectors left a good deal of our recycle behind and did not empty the food bin. This meant that we were having to put food scraps in with the rubbish., it is the 27th of December and I have just realised that my phone it missing.
Now picture the scene, it is pouring with rain and a seemingly half demented female of a certain age, is to be seen bin diving , trawling through all the detritus of the late festivities, and swearing the while.....four dustbins....yuk...a bottle bag, a paper box , and three bin bags full of paper, of my mobile there was not a trace.
During the course of the next two weeks a half hearted hope that it would turn up prevailed until at last yesterday I purchased a new phone. As I was putting the buggy away I noticed a bag peeping out of an old trolley and as it was full of Christmas paper I thought I would have a quick look. You know what comes next? There was my mobile safe and sound, the battery was flat but otherwise there was no harm done.
Happy that I had found my mobile and disgusted that I had only done so after buying a new one I charged it up and told myself that it was good to have a spare.
It was when I switched it on that the trouble really started. I was inundated with voice mails, text alerts and calls from friends and acquaintances demanding to know if perhaps I had died and neglected to mention the fact. Had I perhaps emigrated? Was I incarcerated awaiting Her Majesties pleasure? Had I broken both of my arms? Or was I perhaps suffering from amnesia brought on by over indulgence during the holiday?
Every one waxed satirical, usually more than once.
I have spent the entire day trotting out my excuses, not believed I suspect by most of my friends, and I am now snowed under with a back log of committee work and requests for research
from other members. It may be weeks before I get my head above the parapet.
Being incommunicado was actually rather nice, the consequences are dreadful indeed. I finally turned of my mobile at three forty five in the morning as the backlog was still trickling through.
What in the name of all the Gods did we do before these blasted slave drivers were invented, how did we manage our lives. Now that my mobile is restored to me I am at the beck and call of every Tom, Dick and Harry,,and don't I know it.
We are all hooked by these pestiferous little gadgets and if is far too late to stop their progress now, unless we all agree to throw the little blighter's in to the nearest river or off the nearest cliff.
What do you think? Shall we give it a go? Please!!!!!!!!!!!!
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