I am in serious trouble, the buggy has broken down. I took her out for a test run this afternoon to make sure that the tyre had not gone down again and at first she did not want to start. This happens occasionally when the weather is cold but today she was more than usually stubborn.
Finally I got the old girl going and all went well until I wqas almost home when she stopped dead in her tracks and I was obliged to call my son to come out and give me a push.
The sight of my son pushing me down the road caused a good deal of merriment to passers by, and to a bunch of roofers working on the big house on the corner of the lane. Even we had to laugh.
Pa was due at the doctors surgery at three so I called for a taxi to get him there and then phoned the buggy repair man. The good news is that he is coming to have a look at the old lady. The bad news is that it will not be until Tuesday of next week...........help!
My son was dispatched to the bank to draw out some cash , one of my Saturday jobs. Then came the question of the Saturday shopping, fresh fruit etc., another of my Saturday jobs. I shall probably have to put in another order to come on Monday as we shall need the fresh things by then.
Other than these minor catastrophes things went well today. Pa was up and about well before nine when the groceries arrived and everything was put away by ten. I made two trays of blue berry muffins for breakfast, the first time in the new oven and I am still getting used to it.
The bread I made this morning came out well so that is one thing less to worry about , the first loaves I made were not up to my usual standard and I had complaints from the troops!
By the end of the day the house was clean and tidy and we sat down to a big pot of vegetable and bacon soup with the bread. Both of the boys had asked me to make soup for tonight and I was happy to go along with their wishes. It makes good sense to have soup of a stew on bread making day as it is always nicer when the bread is very fresh.
It appears that I shall have very little to do in the way of chores tomorrow and so I hope to spend a little time in the garden if the day is fine. If not I shall get my paint box out .or even do some work on the book I am writing, I seldom have time for these pleasures since Pa became ill.
I must say that I shall not miss the Saturday battle to leave the supermarket intact and with all the goods I need. I feel really light hearted. One thing darkens the rosy view, not knowing what is wrong with he buggy and how much it is going to cost to put her right. These things are in the lap of the Gods and it is pointless to meet trouble half way.
I shall enjoy tomorrow, next week can look out for itself. Have a good weekend every one, where ever you are.
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