Sunday 28 July 2013


You know how it is? There I was flitting about on u tube,listen to a few songs,leave a few comments, I never know where I'll end up, well last night I ended up listening to the one and only, the very talented Joe Jackson.

It was so long ago I had almost forgotten how good he sounded,he made it sound so easy,mellow,I think that's what I mean. My favourite was and still is “Different for girls” it was the sound of the decade for me and an interesting part of my life played out with this song somewhere in the background.

As I listened it was almost as if I was watching a video of myself as I was over thirty years ago.It was a time of excitement, intense happiness and just as intense heart wrenching pain. In fact it seems to me that we all spend most of our adult lives in one of those states or another.
Before I realised it I was visiting places in my mind that I had avoided ,with grim determination for years.

None of this is at all relevant to what I wish to say,and don't ask me what I was thinking about because I shan't tell!”
What I really wanted to say is that while reading the comments on the site I was visiting I realised that,as the song says “You're all the same” men that is,now as then. If you want to know what I mean watch the clip and read the comments,honestly ,flippin' fella's!

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