Saturday 8 October 2011


So many things have happened this week that it has seemed preternaturally long, the fights with the decorators and the head gardener ,the meeting and its aftermath seem to have happened a long time ago and to someone else. I am overwhelmed by a feeling of unreality which coupled with a tiredness such as I have not felt since the morning my son was born makes me feel that I could sleep for a week.

Today I tried to forget all that has happened but details keep flooding back, it seems impossible to push them away. I went about my usual chores, the bread making, breakfast and then I made a large batch of potato cakes for breakfast on Monday.
Still feeling tired to death I decided to clean the oven, a poxy old job at the best of times, yet although I felt happy with the result my mind still whirled until I felt giddy. Although we cannot now be thrown out of our house by the estate but we are still fighting to keep them from building on the kitchen garden, so I had best pull myself together, pronto!

On Monday when my son begins his week off we shall have a quiet celebration to mark our victory and then I must begin to organise the meeting between our M.P. and the locals which is taking place in mid November, to further our save the garden campaign rest for the wicked you see!

The one thing of which I am sure is that this episode shows that one person can take on a great organisation and beat them at their own game. I advise anyone who is the victim of a bully at work or at school to stand up for your self and make a fuss. If you work for an unreasonable employer who asks too much for too little...and these days there are a lot of them about.....remember that without people like you making money for them they are nothing, it is a fair bet that they could get rid of most of the management and no one would notice! You are important. Stand together, make a noise,work to rule, whatever it takes to make them listen. Stay within the law and you cannot go wrong.

My battle with Pa's employer has now caused others who have suffered as we have to take courage and speak out and at last things are beginning to change. I just wish that they had joined us at the beginning , things would have been dealt with much sooner had they done so I am certain.

Pa went out to buy seed for our garden birds this after noon and returned with a bunch of the most beautiful fresias I have ever seen and all mixed with gypsophilla and asparagus fern. I have them in my bedroom and very fine they look too.

With new made bread being available I made a rich leek and potato soup with chicken stock to give extra flavour, so warming now that the weather has turned chilly, I had hoped to make and apple cake but ran out of time, oh well, there is always tomorrow, I hope.

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